
(Opening film) Indignados is a fictional account in real time of what’s happening today, plunging us into the dense, palpable reality of Europe in revolt. Stephane Hessel’s book Time for Outrage! sparked a transgenerational awakening that is gaining ground across Europe as the continent teeters on social implosion. At the heart of current events, at the center of the Occupy movement, we discover, through the eyes and experience of Betty, a young illegal immigrant from Africa, men and women standing up to the system.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Tony Gatlif
Cinematography: Colin Houben, Sabastien Saadoun
Editing: Stephanie Pedelacq
Sound: Adam Wolny
Music: Delphine Mantoulet, Valentin Dahmani
Production: Princes Production, France T. +33 1 4577 6809
Producers: Delphine Mantoulet, Tony Gatlif
Co-production: Eurowide Film Production, Herodiade, Rhone-Alpes Cinema (France)
Format: 35mm Color
Production Country: France
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 88
Contact: Les films du losange, France Agathe Valentin T. +33 1 4443 8736 F. +33 1 4952 0640

Tony Gatlif

Toni Gatlif was born in Algeria of Pied noir ancestry. After his childhood there, Gatlif arrived in France in 1960 following the Algerian War of Independence. He works as a screenwriter, composer, actor, and producer. His 2004 film Exils, won the Best Director Award at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.


1993 Latcho Drom
1997 Gadjo dilo
2000 Vengo
2001 Swing
2004 Exils | Exiles
2012 Indignados
2017 Djam