The Outcasts

Can a dream condemn an innocent woman? Can your destiny be determined by the way a chicken dies? One thousand women in Ghana accused of witchcraft survive in exile camps. Abused and marginalized, they struggle to survive in extreme poverty. With them, hundreds of children live hounded by the same fate. What led them there and what keeps them prisoner?
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Vicky Markolefa
Cinematography: Yorgos Georgopoulos
Editing: Yorgos Georgopoulos
Sound: Andronikos Karakatsanis
Music: Marilena Orfanou
Production: Action Aid Hellas
Production Country: Greece-Ghana
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 59
Contact: Action Aid Hellas, Greece Vicky Markolefa T. +30 210 9212 621

Yiorgos Georgopoulos

Giorgos Georgopoulos has studied Directing at the Hellenic Cinema and Television School Stavrakos, in Athens. Later on, he studied Sociology in Rome at Universita Roma I “La Sapienza.” Finally, he studied European Culture at the Hellenic Open University. Along with his studies, he started his career as a film editor and soon thereafter as a director and producer, mainly of TV commercials, documentary films and educational TV series for national television. In 1999 he returns to Greece and undertakes Multivision, a production company based in his native city of Athens, producing films, documentaries, commercials, and music videos.


2003 Sthala (short doc)
2011 Kuluhiro: Hope (short doc)
2011 Tungsten
2012 The Outcasts (doc)
2019 Not to Be Unpleasant, But We Need to Have a Serious Talk