Until I Fly

Until I Fly

26th TIDF: World Premiere

Until I Fly is a coming-of-age story following Veeru, who endures five transformative years grappling with the profound effects of ethnic discrimination. Born in a village that taunts him for his Nepalese heritage, Veeru faces relentless bullying and derogatory slurs. Rather than retaliating, he follows the path of introspection, bearing the weight of his lineage in silence. The insults cut even deeper when he witnesses the relentless torment inflicted upon his visually impaired Indian mother. Her suffering intensifies his sense of powerlessness. He retreats into an inner world where gods and demons shape his moral compass, and nature becomes a sanctuary, with dreams of befriending birds. Amidst relocation to the forest and the havoc of a devastating flood, Veeru clings to hope. At school, Veeru’s life takes an exhilarating turn that helps him overcome the obstacles that come his way. His newfound emancipation serves as a poignant reminder that every individual, regardless of their background, possesses the potential to soar and achieve greatness.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Kanishka Sonthalia, Siddesh Shetty
Cinematography: Siddesh Shetty
Editing: Audrey Maurion
Sound: Julie Tribout, Rémi Durel, Kanishka Sonthalia
Music: Jérôme Rebotier
Production: Kopuku Films
Producers: Kanishka Sonthalia
Co-production: Elda Productions
Co-producers: Christilla Huillard Kann
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: India, France
Production Year: 2024
Duration: 91'
Contact: Taskovski Films

Suitable for kids over the age of 8.

Kanishka Sonthalia


2024 Until I Fly (co-direction)

Siddesh Shetty


2024 Until I Fly (co-direction)