Director of films which are now considered classics, such as Point Blank and Deliverance, the British filmmaker John Boorman, although he belongs to the free cinema generation, he is not part of this movement. Instead, he drew his own path in cinema. He successful explored with an innovative style all the film genre. The focus of his exploration was always the relationship of Man and Nature. “A Nature which is not a cathartic bath for all the sins of humanity, but it is instead filled with treason, fright, violence, unspeakable urges and cryptic disabilities”, Michel Demopoulos comments in the introduction. Carefully edited by Nikos Savvatis, who elaborately analyses the work of the British filmmaker in a general text called “Investment in light” and discusses with the director in an interview specifically conducted for this publication. It is also included; Boorman’s texts, a section with researches by acclaimed film theoreticians, his TV productions and his complete filmography reviewed in a carefully selected collection of texts. One of the hidden gems of the festival’s library.